Illuminating a New Paradigm offers a brief summary overview of the first seven books in included in the Reflections Series of books written by Jeff Carreira. All seven titles from the original series will be summarized in brief and this short ebook also contains an introduction to explain the exciting idea behind the entire series.
An alternative understanding of reality exists and it is growing. It has been developing for hundreds of years through the efforts of pioneering thinkers and spiritually inspired luminaries. This new understanding of reality sees the universe as a living being of which we are an inseparable part. It thinks in terms of complex ecologies and interconnected living systems, rather than interactions between separate mechanical parts.
In the Reflection Series, author and mystical philosopher Jeff Carreira offers concise yet profound explorations of some of the most important ideas that are shaping this new paradigm of understanding. In these books you will discover some of the most radically original ideas to emerge over the past few hundred years and some of the extraordinary people who articulated them.
This short book is offered to give you a taste of what you will find in the books of the Reflection Series.

Transdimensional Spirituality
Cultivating Mystical Vision and Illuminating the Soul

The Soul’s Journey to Wholeness
Illuminating the Higher Realms of Spirit

Experiencing Cosmic Consciousness
A Spiritual Breakthrough Workbook

The Symbolism of the Tarot (Annotated)
Philosophy of Occultism in Pictures and Numbers

Nurturing Spiritual Transformation
A simple book about radical change

Finding Inner Freedom
A Spiritual Breakthrough Workbook

The Path of Cosmic Consciousness
A Practical Guide to Higher Dimensions of Reality


Flatland (Annotated)
A Romance of Many Dimensions

Tertium Organum (Annotated)
The Third Canon of Thought: A Key To The Enigmas Of The World

Beyond the Wall of Fear
A Novel

Online Marketing for Spiritual Visionaries
How to articulate your value and sell your products

The Mystery of Collective Awakening
Questioning Identity and Connecting in Oneness

The Miracle of Meditation Oracle Guidebook
A tool of divination for your spiritual evolution

I, Kosmos
A Novel

Towards Democracy (Annotated)
Poems of Cosmic Consciousness

How To Be Free
Spiritual Enlightenment, Nonduality and Deep Meditation

Online Curriculum for Spiritual Visionaries
How to Create Transformative Programs

The Courageous Freedom of Anaïs Nin

Illuminating a New Paradigm
A Guide to the First Seven Books of The Reflections Series

How To Think About How You Think
Identity, Philosophical Inquiry, and the Risk of Thinking You Know

The Battle of Science and Spirituality
Reflections on the History of Western Philosophy

Online Community for Spiritual Visionaries
How to Successfully Gather and Nurture Your Virtual Tribe

The Path of Spiritual Breakthrough
From Awakening to Cosmic Awareness

Evolution, Intuition and Reincarnation
Reflections on the spiritual vision of Ralph Waldo Emerson

Cosmic Consciousness (Annotated)
As Edited, Updated and Interpreted by Jeff Carreira

Transdimensional Awakening
A Novel

Online Business for Spiritual Visionaries
Sharing Inner Wisdom as a Successful Entrepreneur

The Power of Creative Flow
Reflections on Peak Performance, Cultural Transformation, and Spiritual Growth

Inner Peace in a Busy World
Reflections on meditation and the journey from anxiety to spiritual freedom

Seven Stories by H. P. Lovecraft (Annotated)
Real Dreaming and Cosmic Awareness

The Spiritual Implications of Quantum Physics
Reflections on the Nature of Science, Reality and Paradigm Shifts

Higher Self Expression
How to Become an Artist of Possibility

The Mystic as Creative Artist (Annotated)
Reflections on a remarkable essay by Evelyn Underhill

Dreamed Awake
A Novel

The Miracle of an Open Mind
Reflections on the Philosophy of William James

The Miracle of Self Realization
Reflections on the Spiritual Teachings of Ramana Maharshi

A Novel

American Awakening
Evolutionary Spirituality, Non-Duality, and Free Thinking in the Tradition of American Philosophy

The Miracle of Meditation
A Gradual Opening into Unbroken Trust (2nd edt.)

The Art of Conscious Contentment
A Handbook for Meditation and Spiritual Freedom

The Experience of Luminous Absorption
The Foundation of Spiritual Life

The Gift of Spiritual Abundance
Five Principles for Being Happy and Fulfilled Right Now

No Place But Home
Reflections on Meditation and the Spiritual Life

Transdimensional Crossing
A Novel

Paradigm Shifting
Guiding Evolution From The Inside

The Soul of a New Self
Embracing the Future of Being Human