As I see it, the goal of spiritual work is to live in the world from the highest source of love and wisdom we are capable of. Another way of putting it is opening to the creative force that sustains all of life, and giving that higher power access to work its magic in the world through us.
Isn’t that why you are engaged in spiritual work?
You have almost definitely experienced the higher potential within you and want to become a living expression of it. Take a moment to appreciate the depth of your own spiritual commitment. You’ve probably been dedicated to realizing your spiritual potential for a long time, maybe years or even decades. It is a rare and beautiful thing for a person to become deeply committed to spiritual realization and I believe your commitment has been growing over the course of many lifetimes.
This lifetime, the one you are currently living, is significant because it is one in which you are consciously aware of your spiritual desire. There are many lifetimes in which we are unaware of our spiritual passions. There are many people living today who are not aware of their inner spiritual life, and yet there is always a spiritual life being lived underneath the surface.
Our soul grows through the circumstances of each and every lifetime. If we live unaware, spiritual progress happens slowly and somewhat haphazardly. Once we become aware of our soul’s deep inner longings, we have the chance to actively participate in its growth.
If you feel an inner yearning to open to the ultimate source of higher love and wisdom, and manifest it in the world, you are aware of your soul’s desire. You are therefore in a position to consciously participate in your soul’s progress, but how do you do that?
You cannot force your soul to develop anymore than you can make a plant grow. Plants grow. Souls develop. You can’t force them, but you can create conditions for optimal growth and development. If you want a seed to grow, you plant it in nutrient rich soil and give it the water and sunlight it needs. Similarly, the soul needs nutrient rich soil, water and sunlight.
The soil of the soul is the human heart. A heart filled with love for the sacred and enough faith to persevere through adversity is the perfect ground for the soul’s growth. The water and sunlight is provided through the practices and contemplations we engage with everyday. The energy of spiritual practice is the necessary nourishment for the soul’s development.
When you engage in spiritual work, be inspired by the possibility of contributing to the growth of your soul, but don't focus on it. You don’t want to focus on an idea of a future in which your soul is fully developed. Instead you want to focus on creating the perfect conditions for your soul’s growth right now. Focusing on the spiritual conditions of your life now places your attention in the present moment, rather than on future aspiration.
When you engage in spiritual practice, stay unattached to the result, and keep your interest only in doing the practice well right now. If you can make this shift you will find yourself effortlessly aware of the spiritual quality of your heart and mind.
As you become more aware of the spiritual quality of your inner life, you will be increasingly compelled to maintain it with more and more consistency over time. You want your heart to be full of inspiration and faith, and your mind to be clear and discerning.
Maintaining a spiritually rich inner atmosphere is the key to spiritual growth. Your soul’s growth is not your concern. Have faith, it will happen. Your concern is the maintenance of the inner ground of your spiritual life. You can’t force your soul to develop, but you can provide the best environment for growth.