One day not long ago, I woke up with the idea for this workshop in my mind. The feeling was so strong it was as if I was being summoned to give it. It is so clear to me that we have been given a tremendous opportunity.
Yes, these times are hard and even tragic. Many of us are suffering with illness, lost livelihood, and a host of other hardships that will undoubtedly worsen.
In the midst of these challenges a momentum is building behind the desire to get back to the way things were.
The first thing I want to say is that we don’t have to go back to the way things were, we can make things better!
The precious gem in the rubble of all this is the opportunity for change that we now have.
In this workshop, we will explore the energy of transformation that is abounding right now. We will harness the power of immediate possibility to envision, and even more importantly begin, a new life together.
In This Workshop You Will:
- realize that fundamental habits that govern us have already been broken and the door to transformation is wide open.
- awaken to a vision of possibility that is energetically potent enough to propel you through the challenge of change.
- practice the art of total relaxation and ease yourself through habits of fear, tension and self-concern, clearing the way to a new future.
- discover the inner powers of immediate realization that can initiate a new and magnificent life together right now.
This is not magical thinking, this is real magic!
I’m a meditation teacher and mystical philosopher, and I’ve had the privilege to help many people live the life of their dreams. My life has been filled with magic and transformation, and it has left me certain that life is magnificent and that we have the capacity to manifest the miraculous.
In these challenging times so many human habits that have been established over hundreds of years have been disrupted. Neuroscience tells us that it takes about 30 days to break a habit, and we’ve had twice that time.
There has never in our lifetime been an opportunity for change like the one we have right now.
I can understand the urgency we feel to return to normal, but we also have an opportunity to springboard into dramatic changes both personally and culturally.
I also want to be clear that this is not about making altruistic sacrifices to cure the ills of the world, although many of us will be called to do that.
My intention for this two hour workshop is that you leave it firmly grounded in a new life – one that reflects your deepest joys and aspirations, and is fuelled by the confidence of knowing that your happiness is not separate in any way from the wellbeing of the world.