“I, Kosmos: A Novel. Chapter One”

April 15, 2022
Spiritual Illuminations with Jeff Carreira
Spiritual Illuminations with Jeff Carreira
"I, Kosmos: A Novel. Chapter One"

Jeff Carreira writes transdimensional fiction. His novels use the powerful medium of story to illuminate the mysterious ways in which we can awaken to the invisible realms and hidden truths that always lie just beyond the familiar world around us. His stories challenge our fundamental notions about what is real, by presenting characters who find themselves having experiences, or being in circumstances, that force them to question everything they ever thought. What they discover, in a variety of ways, is that reality is much different than they could have imagined.

About I, Kosmos: In book two of The e-Ternity series, Brian learns to live with Kosmos, his cosmic self, and finds a true kindred spirit who joins him on a spiritual quest to save humanity's future.

Transdimensional Fiction
Transdimensional Crossing
Transdimensional Awakening
Dreamed Awake
I, Kosmos

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