David Newman – “Bhakti, Love and Awakening”

January 14, 2020
Spiritual Illuminations with Jeff Carreira
Spiritual Illuminations with Jeff Carreira
David Newman - "Bhakti, Love and Awakening"

In this dialog singer songwriter and kirtan musician, David Newman speaks with Jeff Carreira about his inner relationship with his guru, – the late Neem Karoli Baba and how he went from law school, to starting a yoga studio, to singing kirtan. As the discussion progresses we compare the Bhakti path of love with the Jnana path of wisdom and what happens when we come to the true end of seeking.

About David Newman
David Newman’s greatest gift is his willingness to listen to his inner voice and open his heart to be of service to others. David guides and inspires fellow travelers on their paths, through his uplifting music and the valuable insights that he shares through his writings and teachings.

David's Website: davidnewmanmusic.com

(Photo credit: Davidnewman108)

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