The Gift of Spiritual Abundance: Five Principles for Being Happy and Fulfilled Right Now by Jeff Carreira reveals five principles that can bring you immediate happiness and fulfillment. You will learn how to shift your fundamental relationship to life from one that assumes lack, to one that recognizes fullness. If you apply the simple yet profound principles in this book, they will radically transform your life for the better. The central realization that you will explore is the fact that true happiness and real fulfillment can only be found now. Reading this book allows you to uncover the unconscious patterns of thinking that keep you waiting for a better future, so you can discover the plentitude and goodness of life exactly as it already is.
More books in this series (The Spiritual Teachings of Jeff Carreira):
The Art of Conscious Contentment: A Handbook for Meditation and Spiritual Freedom
The Experience of Luminous Absorption: The Foundation of Spiritual Life
The Mystery of Collective Awakening: Questioning Identity and Connecting in Oneness