The Blog

Try these: paradigm shiftingsoul developmentmeditationsurrendertransdimensional fiction

Featured image for “The Process of Awakening is Alive in You”

The Process of Awakening is Alive in You

February 7, 2025

When you meditate you settle like a leaf that has fallen from a tree, slowly moving toward the ground, landing, and rocking to stillness. It’s important to remember that resting is not an activity. Resting

Featured image for “The Gospel of Relaxation”

The Gospel of Relaxation

January 24, 2025

The spiritual value of relaxation is dramatically underappreciated. It is the most powerful superpower you have. I believe it would be well worth your time to devote an entire year to exploring the spiritually transformative

Featured image for “The Transformative Power of Identity”

The Transformative Power of Identity

January 3, 2025

I recently learned about how verbal commands can be used to initiate out of body experiences into the subtle realm of being and I was curious to try using them. During my recent yoga nidra

Featured image for “Anchoring Yourself in Cosmic Consciousness”

Anchoring Yourself in Cosmic Consciousness

December 27, 2024

Embodying your cosmic self is a practice that can stabilize your awareness in cosmic consciousness. To understand how it works, you have to know that it is not merely an imaginative exercise. Imagination is certainly

Featured image for “Cosmic Consciousness and Creative Imagination”

Cosmic Consciousness and Creative Imagination

December 20, 2024

The Tibetan Buddhist adept Lama Anagarika Govinda in his book Creative Meditation and Multi-Dimensional Consciousness writes about the imaginative aspects of meditation. He clearly states that if you change your awareness you will live in

Featured image for “Spiritual Sustainability”

Spiritual Sustainability

December 6, 2024

My decision to run a yearlong intensive practice program aimed at sustaining cosmic consciousness was based on my own experience, and the experience of many people like me, whose attention has been raised into profound

Featured image for “The Bliss of the Unknown”

The Bliss of the Unknown

November 22, 2024

Twenty three years ago, I participated in a 60-day retreat that was utterly and completely life transforming. The circumstances of the retreat were extraordinary, involving eight months of intense preparation before starting. I can honestly

Featured image for “The Miracle of Just Sitting”

The Miracle of Just Sitting

October 20, 2024

In deep meditation we discover the miracle of just sitting. Before I experienced this miracle, I could never have imagined that sitting quietly for extended periods of time could dramatically shift my sense of reality,

Featured image for “Cosmic Consciousness Explained”

Cosmic Consciousness Explained

October 11, 2024

My spiritual path has been blessed with a number of extremely powerful breakthroughs that led to dramatic shifts in my consciousness. One of the most dramatic and impactful was an experience of cosmic consciousness that

Featured image for “The Magic and Mystery of Now”

The Magic and Mystery of Now

October 4, 2024

Do you believe in meditation magic? I do. There is a magic to meditation that many practitioners never discover because it is only found when time is eliminated from the equation. You can call this

Featured image for “Journey to the Inner Divine”

Journey to the Inner Divine

September 28, 2024

The way things work for me is that I sometimes find that a new understanding starts to grab me and I can’t stop. That is happening right now with the Hindu conception of the five

Featured image for “The Transformative Power of Practice”

The Transformative Power of Practice

September 18, 2024

People who act as spiritual mentors do so in different ways from different directions. If you asked me about what I do, I would tell you that one of the things that is most important

Featured image for “You Are a Process in a Reality of Processes”

You Are a Process in a Reality of Processes

September 6, 2024

We live in a paradigm in which we are trained to see ourselves as individual achievers who strategize and work towards the completion of objectives. This goal-oriented perspective is foundational to who we think we

Featured image for “Paradigm Shifting as Enlightenment Practice”

Paradigm Shifting as Enlightenment Practice

August 23, 2024

One way to understand enlightenment is to think of it as being open at all levels, in all dimensions, to the flow of divine energy running through you. We are not alive as much as

Featured image for “Creating Optimal Conditions for Your Soul’s Growth”

Creating Optimal Conditions for Your Soul’s Growth

August 2, 2024

As I see it, the goal of spiritual work is to live in the world from the highest source of love and wisdom we are capable of. Another way of putting it is opening to

Featured image for “Living in Deep Trust: The Secret to Spiritual Abundance”

Living in Deep Trust: The Secret to Spiritual Abundance

July 5, 2024

I think of myself as a teacher of meditation and mystical philosophy, but at least half of the things people ask of me are about how to live a better, more spiritual, and more awakened

Featured image for “Spiritual Abundance as a Doorway to Cosmic Consciousness”

Spiritual Abundance as a Doorway to Cosmic Consciousness

June 28, 2024

Spiritual abundance is not limited to material abundance, although it can include that. Spiritual abundance is not about accumulation of money or things, it is about the cultivation of an inner attitude that sees the

Featured image for “The Power of Satsanga”

The Power of Satsanga

June 21, 2024

My primary spiritual training occurred in the tradition of Advaita Vedanta, in the lineage of Ramana Maharshi. In that lineage, at least in its western forms, the main vehicle for the transmission of wisdom is

Featured image for “Are You Available for Enlightenment?”

Are You Available for Enlightenment?

May 31, 2024

In preparation for my two upcoming retreats I’ve been reading a wonderful book called In Days of Great Peace by Mouni Sadhu. Sadhu was a devotee of Ramana Maharshi and lived in Ramana’s ashram during

Featured image for “Meditation on Your True Self”

Meditation on Your True Self

May 24, 2024

The great Indian sage Ramana Maharshi brought many seekers into a direct experience of nondual oneness where they saw that everything is part of One thing and that they themselves are that One thing. For

Featured image for “Powerful Presence and Penetrating Clarity:  The Superpowers of Spiritual Work”

Powerful Presence and Penetrating Clarity: The Superpowers of Spiritual Work

May 17, 2024

For the past thirty years my life has been devoted to two overarching goals: First, to experience enlightenment, and second, to understand the path that leads there. As I have come to see it there

Featured image for “Nondual Meditation: The Art of Letting Go of the Future”

Nondual Meditation: The Art of Letting Go of the Future

May 10, 2024

Those who want to experience true inner freedom are, whether they realize it or not, most likely hoping to have a spiritual opening that is powerful enough, deep enough, or long lasting enough, that it

Featured image for “Radical Thinking and Dramatic Shifts in Perception”

Radical Thinking and Dramatic Shifts in Perception

May 3, 2024

I use the phrase paradigm shifting to refer to the cultivation of radical thinking. The word radical comes from the Latin word radic, which means root, and so radical thinking means thinking below the roots.

Featured image for “The Spiritual Science of Enlightenment”

The Spiritual Science of Enlightenment

April 26, 2024

The spiritual traditions of the East often assert that the process of awakening and growth unfold according to a science that can be understood and practiced. In the West the term science generally refers to

Featured image for “Meditation: A Glorious Road to Nowhere”

Meditation: A Glorious Road to Nowhere

April 12, 2024

A Dream without a Dreamer “Let dreams wake you up to what you are, awareness.” – Sri Nisargadatta The realization of nonduality is the direct recognition of absolute unity. In this realization we recognize that

Featured image for “Cultivating Mystical Vision”

Cultivating Mystical Vision

February 24, 2024

There are two levels of spiritual practice. The first leads to the attainment of inner freedom. This is the practice that is engaged with from our familiar identity as the person who was born on

Featured image for “Soul Intention and Optimal Growth”

Soul Intention and Optimal Growth

February 17, 2024

During my formative years on the spiritual path, the teacher I worked with taught about the supreme importance of having a clear intention. He insisted that clarity of intention was the beginning, the middle, and

Featured image for “Luminous Absorption is Liberation From Time”

Luminous Absorption is Liberation From Time

December 30, 2023

Meditation is often thought of as a means to and end, a vehicle for spiritual growth, or a stress reduction technique. Meditation can work this way, and it can be so much more than that.

Featured image for “Five Transitions that Lead to Luminous Absorption”

Five Transitions that Lead to Luminous Absorption

December 1, 2023

The ultimate spiritual attainment in Eastern traditions is described as Samadhi, Nirvana, and Self-Realization, and in Western traditions as Divine Union or God Consciousness. Whatever that exalted state might be called, it is a state

Featured image for “The Deepest Source of Creative Freedom in the Universe”

The Deepest Source of Creative Freedom in the Universe

November 9, 2023

I use the phrase luminous absorption to describe being deeply immersed in the awareness of awareness. Spending time in luminous absorption is what shifts our consciousness beyond the limits of time and space and opens

Featured image for “The Yoga of Enlightenment”

The Yoga of Enlightenment

October 27, 2023

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali describe a progression of practices that liberate awareness and reveal the miraculous nature of the higher self. The yogic practices described are arranged in eight limbs or stages. The first

Featured image for “The Discovery of Radical Freedom”

The Discovery of Radical Freedom

August 18, 2023

And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile And you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife And you may ask yourself, “Well, how did I get

Featured image for “Building Spiritual Rapport”

Building Spiritual Rapport

August 6, 2023

I want to start this essay with a story about a spiritual friend of mine, a true spiritual brother who was the first person who spoke to me about the power of spiritual rapport. Rapport

Featured image for “Spiritual Growth and a Well Lived Human Life”

Spiritual Growth and a Well Lived Human Life

July 28, 2023

Many of us talk about spirituality and spiritual growth, but what we mean by that is often left a little vague and hard to define. When I speak of spirituality or spiritual growth, I specifically

Featured image for “The Evolution of My Teaching Work”

The Evolution of My Teaching Work

June 29, 2023

It is often difficult for me to answer when someone asks me what I do. Usually I say that I teach meditation and mystical philosophy, which most people find generally satisfying, but to me feels

Featured image for “Awareness Beyond the Surface of Mind”

Awareness Beyond the Surface of Mind

June 19, 2023

Spiritual liberation and awakening are very real and very attainable, but the truth is that sustaining our access to these divine states of being will take everything we have. Audio Clip 8:00 mins Download Audio

Featured image for “The Spiritual Work of the Soul”

The Spiritual Work of the Soul

June 2, 2023

My journey into Soulwork began in 2016 when I started writing my first novel Transdimensional Crossing. At the time, I was leading a yearlong program called The Breakthrough Intensive and I was feeling that there

Featured image for “Consciously Shifting into Soul Awareness”

Consciously Shifting into Soul Awareness

May 27, 2023

One of the most profound insights my spiritual practice has given me is that there are three different sources of our awareness and we can shift our attention between them. When we learn to move

Featured image for “Accelerated Growth and the Spiritual Work of the Soul”

Accelerated Growth and the Spiritual Work of the Soul

May 19, 2023

There are times in your spiritual life in which you do practice, study, learn, grow, contemplate, and have insights and realizations that fuel your path and inspire you forward. And then there are times when

Featured image for “What is Transdimensional Illumination?”

What is Transdimensional Illumination?

May 1, 2023

Transdimensional Illumination is the process through which awareness moves beyond the human spectrum of consciousness to perceive higher dimensions of reality. This process of crossing over into new dimensions of reality necessitates giving up control

Featured image for “Can Cosmic Consciousness Save the World?”

Can Cosmic Consciousness Save the World?

March 24, 2023

Can cosmic consciousness save the world? I believe it can, if that shift happens soon enough. The term itself was coined by the English poet and activist Edward Carpenter in the late 19th Century after

Featured image for “The Secret of Opening to Eternity”

The Secret of Opening to Eternity

March 17, 2023

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but seeing with new eyes.” ~ Marcel Proust In July and August of 2001 I spent two months on a retreat that dramatically altered

Featured image for “Awakening Cosmic Consciousness: The Awareness that is Aware”

Awakening Cosmic Consciousness: The Awareness that is Aware

February 10, 2023

In the end, the attainment of cosmic consciousness is the realization that the consciousness you have right now, the one reading these words, looking out the window, or walking into the next room, is cosmic

Featured image for “Cosmic Consciousness, The Ultimate Freedom”

Cosmic Consciousness, The Ultimate Freedom

February 4, 2023

Underneath everything I share is the realization of oneness. This means that underlying all of life and everything else in the universe, there is a single source and we are that source, and it can

Featured image for “Cosmic Consciousness is not Just an Experience”

Cosmic Consciousness is not Just an Experience

January 27, 2023

“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Juliet says to Romeo as she implores him to renounce his family name so they can be together. After all, Romeo would still be himself

Featured image for “The Reality of Transformation”

The Reality of Transformation

January 1, 2023

The inconvenient truth about transformation is that most often it involves hard, diligent work, over time, but if you are willing to do the work real, dramatic, and deep change is completely possible to achieve.

Featured image for “Meditation as a Spiritual Path”

Meditation as a Spiritual Path

December 10, 2022

Meditation is always a spiritual practice, but for some of us it is our spiritual path. As a teacher of meditation, I find it useful to understand when meditation is someone’s path and when it

Featured image for “We Are Cosmic Beings”

We Are Cosmic Beings

November 20, 2022

“The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitude.” ~ William James We have all heard about the importance of having a positive attitude when

Featured image for “Connecting with the Source of Existence”

Connecting with the Source of Existence

November 10, 2022

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin In mystical traditions around the world you find a common theme. They all

Featured image for “How to Experience Cosmic Consciousness”

How to Experience Cosmic Consciousness

October 20, 2022

“Enlightenment is an accident, but some activities make you accident-prone.” The phrase above is often attributed to the spiritual teacher J. Krishnamurti and what it implies is that spiritual enlightenment is not something you can

Featured image for “Spiritual Life Matters”

Spiritual Life Matters

October 7, 2022

An essay about spiritual life probably needs to start with at least a brief description of what the author means about this rather ambiguous phrase. When I speak about spiritual life, I’m speaking about whatever

Featured image for “Communication and the Reality of Relationship”

Communication and the Reality of Relationship

September 6, 2022

There is a new world of possibility that we gain access to when we change how we understand relationships and communication. This shift in perspective illuminates the world differently so that we begin to see

Featured image for “J Brown Interviews Jeff Carreira for his podcast ‘J. Brown Yoga Talks’”

J Brown Interviews Jeff Carreira for his podcast ‘J. Brown Yoga Talks’

August 30, 2022

Jeff Carreira talks with J about the process of awakening into deeper awareness of our spiritual existence.

Featured image for “I, Kosmos – Chapter One”

I, Kosmos – Chapter One

July 23, 2022

The following is the first chapter from my latest novel, I, Kosmos, published by Emergence Education. ~ The best place to start explaining the next weird chapter of my wonderful and often bizarre spiritual life

Featured image for “What To Do When Your Mind Wanders in Meditation”

What To Do When Your Mind Wanders in Meditation

July 16, 2022

QUESTION: What do we do when our minds wander during meditation? Should I keep bringing my attention back to the breath and reconnecting with what is happening now? ~ ANSWER: That can be a very

Featured image for “Towards Democracy Introduction”

Towards Democracy Introduction

July 14, 2022

The following introduction by Jeff Carreira is published in the recently released edition of Towards Democracy by Edward Carpenter, published by Emergence Education. ~ You have in your hand a spiritual gem, an extended cry

Featured image for “Are You Finished or Are You Still Trying?”

Are You Finished or Are You Still Trying?

July 8, 2022

When we meditate we often find ourselves working hard and doing our very best to follow the simple instruction of sitting and consciously choosing to be content with everything the way it is. It is

Featured image for “The Varieties of Spiritual Life”

The Varieties of Spiritual Life

July 1, 2022

If you are reading this essay, I can only imagine that you feel drawn to live a spiritual life, and I would be willing to bet that you would agree with me when I say

Featured image for “Alignment without Conformity”

Alignment without Conformity

June 21, 2022

One of the most essential things to understand about deep spiritual work is that it cannot be accomplished through conformity. There is a point earlier on during your spiritual journey when it is necessary to

Featured image for “How Do Spiritual Breakthroughs Happen?”

How Do Spiritual Breakthroughs Happen?

June 14, 2022

Earlier this week I experienced a profound breakthrough into the reality of “involution and evolution” as it has been spoken about by Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. I woke up on Tuesday morning in the

Featured image for “The Mystical Artist and the Soul’s Journey”

The Mystical Artist and the Soul’s Journey

April 1, 2022

The point I have been making in this series of essays is that the process of spiritual awakening is at least partially an artistic and creative process. We are both discovering new dimensions of reality

Featured image for “Spiritpreneurship (43mins)”

Spiritpreneurship (43mins)

March 20, 2022

In this Instagram live I speak with Radita Leary about what it means to build a life around your spiritual passion and introduce The Spiritpreneurship Summit as an opportunity for spiritual visionaries.

Featured image for “Initiating the Spiritual Magic of Betweenness”

Initiating the Spiritual Magic of Betweenness

March 5, 2022

You could say that creative illumination is a kind of spiritual magic, a word that still carries the blemish given to it during the Middle Ages when the Christian church in Europe discredited it as

Featured image for “Expressing Your Higher Self (45mins)”

Expressing Your Higher Self (45mins)

February 27, 2022

In this live we discuss how we know when our seeking has come to an end and how to avoid the trap of premature claims of enlightenment.

Featured image for “Spiritual Seeking, Spiritual Growth and Enlightenment (30mins)”

Spiritual Seeking, Spiritual Growth and Enlightenment (30mins)

February 20, 2022

In this live we discuss how we know when our seeking has come to an end and how to avoid the trap of premature claims of enlightenment.

Featured image for “The Gifts of a More Highly Developed Soul”

The Gifts of a More Highly Developed Soul

February 17, 2022

In order to practice creative illumination we must liberate ourselves from the limitations of our materialistic conditioning. We’ve been taught that we live in an infinite expanse of three dimensional space. This vast ocean of

Featured image for “Our Natural State (40mins)”

Our Natural State (40mins)

February 13, 2022

In our natural state we are effortlessly focused and beautiful relaxed. We discover our Natural State when we stop trying to meditate and actually just do it.

Featured image for “The Individual and Collective Soul”

The Individual and Collective Soul

February 11, 2022

In the first essay in this series I introduced the process of creative illumination and as I see it, this can best be understood as the soul’s journey to wholeness. I outlined the contours of

Featured image for “Collective Awakening and the Art of Self-Forgetting (40mins)”

Collective Awakening and the Art of Self-Forgetting (40mins)

February 6, 2022

In this live we discuss Collective Awakening and the Art of Self-Forgetting

Featured image for “Awakening through the Breath”

Awakening through the Breath

February 5, 2022

Breathing has long been seen as a point of connection with divinity. In fact, the word spirit is derived from the Latin word spiritus which refers to the breath of a god. In his gospel,

Featured image for “Inner Freedom and Creative Illumination”

Inner Freedom and Creative Illumination

February 3, 2022

When I teach I always emphasize that there are two equally essential aspects of spiritual work – the attainment of inner freedom, and the art of creative illumination. On the spiritual path we must first

Featured image for “Acquiring Freedom (41mins)”

Acquiring Freedom (41mins)

January 31, 2022

In this live we discuss how the habit of inner freedom can be attained and maintained. This discussion is followed by guided meditation and questions.

Featured image for “Spiritual Beings Having Human Experiences (41mins)”

Spiritual Beings Having Human Experiences (41mins)

January 23, 2022

In this live we discuss the spiritual nature of who we are and how we might live differently if we could.

Featured image for “What gives meditation power? (46mins)”

What gives meditation power? (46mins)

January 18, 2022

In this session we speak about what it is that gives power to our meditation practice. In our investigation we explore the questions about life that we are asking and how committed we are to responding to the answers we find.

Featured image for “Navigating the Darkness of Self Creation (49mins)”

Navigating the Darkness of Self Creation (49mins)

January 9, 2022

In this conversation with Daniel Allen of MetaSoul we discuss the authentic expression of the soul and the universal nature of the divine.

Featured image for “The Souls Journey to Wholeness #2 (42mins)”

The Souls Journey to Wholeness #2 (42mins)

January 2, 2022

In this session we speak about those aspects of ourselves that exist beyond our physical senses. By learning to experience those aspects of who we are, we can bring a higher power of creation into our lives.

Featured image for “Innocence and Love (35mins)”

Innocence and Love (35mins)

December 26, 2021

In this Christmas spirited stream we explored how the depths of our being give birth to the innocence and love that can transform the world.

Featured image for “The Birth of Love and Innocence”

The Birth of Love and Innocence

December 24, 2021

The story of Christmas is the story of a birth that occurred in the middle of a dark and silent night, and promised to bring peace and joy to the world. In that story I

Featured image for “The Creative Process (45mins)”

The Creative Process (45mins)

December 19, 2021

In this live I discuss the profound value of personal development, the realization of divine union, and the manifestation of the soul in human form.

Featured image for “The Soul’s Journey to Wholeness (45mins)”

The Soul’s Journey to Wholeness (45mins)

December 12, 2021

In this live I discuss the profound value of personal development, the realization of divine union, and the manifestation of the soul in human form.

Featured image for “Being in the Present (47mins)”

Being in the Present (47mins)

November 28, 2021

In this live we started by exploring the miracle of being present and went on to discuss the challenge of giving up control.

Featured image for “Let Life Live (46mins)”

Let Life Live (46mins)

November 21, 2021

We start this stream by clarifying the idea of nonduality and answering some common criticisms of it. We go to explore the nature of life and spiritual surrender

Featured image for “How Luminous Absorption Can Change the World”

How Luminous Absorption Can Change the World

November 14, 2021

As I see it, the experience of luminous absorption reveals our True Self and the True Nature of existence at the same time. We’ve been taught that we live in a reality of three-dimensional space

Featured image for “Waking Up: The Path to Realization and Embodiment with Barrett Self  (47mins)”

Waking Up: The Path to Realization and Embodiment with Barrett Self (47mins)

November 7, 2021

A conversation with Barrett Self about the path to realization and embodiment.

Featured image for “Infinite Reality Beyond the Known (45mins)”

Infinite Reality Beyond the Known (45mins)

October 31, 2021

Learn to rest your awareness between all thoughts and discover who you really are.

Featured image for “Being Content with Being Human (46mins)”

Being Content with Being Human (46mins)

October 24, 2021

Explore the fullness of our human self, our soul, and the oneness of life.

Featured image for “Nothing changes but everything is different (48mins)”

Nothing changes but everything is different (48mins)

October 10, 2021

This meditation and spiritual contemplation begins by simply asking us to relax and to not do anything at all. What we find when we do nothing, is that everything continues. All of the activity that

Featured image for “H. P. Lovecraft: My Second Spiritual Teacher”

H. P. Lovecraft: My Second Spiritual Teacher

July 1, 2021

In this audio I read my introduction to Seven Stories by H. P. Lovecraft; Real Dreaming and Cosmic Awareness. You will discover how Lovecraft’s strange and unusual fiction contains a vision of the otherworldly possibilities

Featured image for “Unleashing our Potential for Spiritual Creativity”

Unleashing our Potential for Spiritual Creativity

June 28, 2021

As a spiritual teacher, what I teach is constantly evolving. As I continue to explore, learn, and grow, what I teach reflects my current interests and discoveries. For the past few years I’ve been fascinated

Featured image for “Practicing The Art of Creative Illumination”

Practicing The Art of Creative Illumination

June 6, 2021

How do you meditate? Close your eyes and surrender. ~ Rumi For a long time I have talked and written about how the practice of meditation occurs in two distinct stages, but until now I

Featured image for “Spiritual Attunement and Collective Awakening”

Spiritual Attunement and Collective Awakening

May 27, 2021

In the enlightenment tradition of Hinduism, the notion of transmission or shakti pat often plays a prominent role. Within that tradition, a teacher or guru is often seen as possessing access to awakening energy that

Featured image for “Spiritual Practice, Spiritual Freedom, and Spiritual Illumination”

Spiritual Practice, Spiritual Freedom, and Spiritual Illumination

May 18, 2021

Part 1: The Art of Conscious Contentment I teach a form of meditation that I call The Art of Conscious Contentment and that practice offers a powerful path to spiritual awakening. In this essay, you’ll

Featured image for “The Art of Meditating without Meditating: Breaking the Habit of Isolation”

The Art of Meditating without Meditating: Breaking the Habit of Isolation

May 4, 2021

I feel that the meditation I teach is perfect for beginners even though it’s often seen as an advanced practice. The reason I believe it’s perfect for beginners is because it takes us straight to

Exploring the Nature of Transdimensional Fiction: Stories and the Transition into a New Self

April 20, 2021

For the past twenty years, I’ve been teaching the practice of meditation and guiding people into the experience of spiritual awakening. When I started the Transdimensional Fiction imprint it was because I wanted to write

Featured image for “We are Cosmic Beings”

We are Cosmic Beings

April 6, 2021

Today I want to share something with you. It’s the kind of thing that is true of so many of us, and yet so few of us feel free to say it. I came into

Featured image for “Clearing a Path for Divinity (7mins)”

Clearing a Path for Divinity (7mins)

March 23, 2021

In this short teaching Jeff speaks about the goal of spiritual life as clearing an inner passage way so that the intelligent and sensitive life-force energy of creation can pass though us into the world.

Featured image for “Living in Deep Trust”

Living in Deep Trust

January 10, 2021

I think of myself as a teacher of meditation and mystical philosophy, but of course at least half of the things people ask of me are about how to live a better, more spiritual, more

Featured image for “Transdimensional Awakening – The Very First Page”

Transdimensional Awakening – The Very First Page

January 6, 2021

This morning I started writing the second novel in the Transdimensional Series, called Transdimensional Awakening. I am very excited about this novel. All I know so far is that it will be filling in the

Featured image for “Living in Flow”

Living in Flow

January 5, 2021

Excerpted from: The Miracle of Self Realization: Reflections on the teachings of Ramana Maharshi by Jeff Carreira. ~ Ramana tells a story, in The Spiritual Teachings of Ramana Maharshi, about a boy who is fast

Featured image for “Dreamed Awake – Lucid Dreaming, Tulpas and Mystical Wisdom”

Dreamed Awake – Lucid Dreaming, Tulpas and Mystical Wisdom

January 3, 2021

The novel Dreamed Awake starts with two characters who are heroes of mine. One is the Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa, the other is my great grandfather Constantine Andrade. The idea for the novel initially came

Featured image for “e-Ternity: The Story of My Life”

e-Ternity: The Story of My Life

January 1, 2021

The novel e-Ternity is about a mysterious app that appears suddenly on the main character’s phone. His quest to figure out what the app is and what it does begins an adventure that leads him

Featured image for “Experiencing Transcendent Freedom in Meditation”

Experiencing Transcendent Freedom in Meditation

November 30, 2020

As a meditation practitioner and teacher, I have experienced myself, and witnessed others experience, the miracle of radical liberation countless times. There are many forms of meditation designed for a variety of purposes. The form

Featured image for “Retrocausality and the Cover of Transdimensional Crossing”

Retrocausality and the Cover of Transdimensional Crossing

October 8, 2020

It seems that sometimes a cover initiates a novel. That was the case with my first novel Transdimensional Crossing. You see, the cover began to create itself a year or two before I even thought

Featured image for “Science Fiction and Spiritual Awakening: Exploring the transformative power of speculative story telling”

Science Fiction and Spiritual Awakening: Exploring the transformative power of speculative story telling

September 7, 2020

In this unusual audio recording you will explore one of the more curious edges of philosophy and learn that during the twentieth century the pages of science fiction and fantasy novels became important storehouses for

Featured image for “The Paradox of Power and Surrender”

The Paradox of Power and Surrender

August 23, 2020

In my last essay, I explained that a powerful and positive sense of self is crucial on the path to awakening and it is equally important for the continued journey of conscious evolution after awakening.

Featured image for “Personal Development, Spiritual Awakening and Conscious Evolution”

Personal Development, Spiritual Awakening and Conscious Evolution

August 10, 2020

The path of awakening is often talked about as a path of self transcendence, so what roll could work on the self play in that process? What is a self?

Featured image for “We Are Cosmic Beings”

We Are Cosmic Beings

May 27, 2020

This video asks you to question why you are seeking for spiritual fulfillment in the first place? Do you really know why you feel so compelled to seek. I describe my own discovery of the

Featured image for “The Hazy Sunshine of an Illuminated Mind”

The Hazy Sunshine of an Illuminated Mind

May 10, 2020

There are very few human beings who receive the truth, complete and staggering, by instant illumination. Most of them acquire it fragment by fragment, on a small scale, by successive developments, cellularly, like a laborious

Featured image for “The Healing Power of Deep Meditation”

The Healing Power of Deep Meditation

April 25, 2020

We are living through a crisis unprecedented in our lifetimes. As a dangerous virus moves mercilessly through our cities and towns we stay indoors and isolate to protect ourselves and each other. At the same

Featured image for “Your Gift To Give”

Your Gift To Give

March 27, 2020

In this video I describe spiritual abundance as the state in which we perpetually recognize the inherent fullness of life. When we cultivate spiritual abundance we develop an inner tendency to notice all that is

Featured image for “Calling in an Unimaginable Future”

Calling in an Unimaginable Future

March 15, 2020

The aim of my work is to support people to serve the future as Artists of Possibility. That means supporting people to discover and develop their own unique expression of an unimaginable future.

Featured image for “Metaphorical Language and the Creation of Reality”

Metaphorical Language and the Creation of Reality

March 10, 2020

In this video Jeff speaks about how reality is shaped by how we talk about it, and goes on to discuss our ability to enter into a seemingly magical, creative space in consciousness where new

Featured image for “Rewiring Perception and Changing the World”

Rewiring Perception and Changing the World

March 8, 2020

The world shows up for us. We wake up in the morning, open our eyes, and there it is. Like magic it just appears there. But here’s the problem. We’ve been conditioned to assume that the reason the world shows up that way, is because that’s the way it is. More or less, we generally believe that the world is the way it appears to us.

Featured image for “Deep Meditation and The Passion of an Artist of Possibility”

Deep Meditation and The Passion of an Artist of Possibility

February 29, 2020

When your meditation becomes deep and steady what you find is that you flicker in and out of remembering that you are meditating. You will be meditating for a while, deliberately following the instructions, and then you will remember that you are meditating and realize that you had forgotten what you were doing for a few minutes.

Featured image for “Are You Called to Awakened Creativity?”

Are You Called to Awakened Creativity?

February 16, 2020

Ever since I was a teenager, I’ve been fascinated by small creative circles of awakened individuals whose writing, poetry, art, teachings and even business ventures, changed the world.

Featured image for “What’s So Powerful about a Silent Retreat?”

What’s So Powerful about a Silent Retreat?

February 1, 2020

I recently returned from leading a 10-day silent meditation retreat in Sri Lanka. It was a powerful retreat for me as well as the others who were there. My experience is that silent retreats include

Featured image for “Beyond the Myth of Awakening”

Beyond the Myth of Awakening

December 29, 2019

The myth of awakening refers to any belief we hold about there being something called awakening that’s going to happen in the future. The way we go beyond the myth of awakening is by accepting

Featured image for “Real Meditation Starts with Surrender”

Real Meditation Starts with Surrender

December 14, 2019

Spiritual liberation and awakening are very real and very attainable, but the truth is that sustaining our access to these divine states of being will take everything we have. Audio Clip 10:00 mins Download Audio

Featured image for “What is an Artist of Possibility?”

What is an Artist of Possibility?

December 10, 2019

In this audio clip Jeff Carreira asks the question, “How can we see beyond the current paradigm?” and goes on to explain how paradigms work and how they can change. Seminar Clip (6:00 mins) Download

Featured image for “The Immediacy Of Meditation”

The Immediacy Of Meditation

December 1, 2019

There is a magic to the practice of meditation that many practitioners never discover because we only find it when we eliminate time from the equation. You can call this the discovery of radical immediacy

Featured image for “Life is a Risk, Take It!”

Life is a Risk, Take It!

October 12, 2019

“Only those who risk going too far can find out how far they can go.” – T.S. Eliot I once asked a spiritual teacher a question that had been preoccupying me for months. I had

Featured image for “The Sociology of the Impossible”

The Sociology of the Impossible

October 12, 2019

In this clip Jeff Carreira and Dr. Jeffrey J. Kripal speak about the many different ways that new possibilities are brought into existence by small groups. These gatherings are today’s mystery schools and they play

Featured image for “There Is No Path to Who You Are”

There Is No Path to Who You Are

September 16, 2019

For twenty years, I lived in a spiritual community that was rooted in the tradition of Advaita Vedanta and the lineage of the great Indian saint Ramana Maharshi. During those years, I had the luxury

Featured image for “Transdimensional Crossing – Afterward”

Transdimensional Crossing – Afterward

September 13, 2019

I decided to write my first work of fiction because I’ve come to believe we are the authors of reality and a work of fiction might convey that fact better than writing about it in

Featured image for “Spiritual Freedom, Living Fulfillment and Penetrating Clarity”

Spiritual Freedom, Living Fulfillment and Penetrating Clarity

August 20, 2019

My teachings can be seen as containing two essential aspects. You could call these spiritual freedom and living fulfilment. All three clips below were recorded during his 2019 Summer retreat and the first two clips capture the essence of his teaching in clear and succinct language.

Featured image for “Contexts of Mutual Learning”

Contexts of Mutual Learning

August 11, 2019

In this audio clip Nora Bateson discusses why living systems cannot be effectively understood by modeling them because living systems are dynamically growing and changing all the time, and they are best understood as environments

Featured image for “Devotion and Purification”

Devotion and Purification

August 11, 2019

As we gain access to spiritual power, it becomes more important to remember that the aim of spiritual work is always and only to be more surrendered to divinity.

Featured image for “The Essential Paradox of Deep Practice”

The Essential Paradox of Deep Practice

August 3, 2019

There are two diametrically opposed dimensions of meditation that are both absolutely essential if we want our practice to result in dramatic spiritual breakthrough.

Featured image for “Ramakrishna’s Love and the Re-Enlightenment of the West”

Ramakrishna’s Love and the Re-Enlightenment of the West

July 14, 2019

In the late nineteenth century, the great Indian sage Ramakrishna Paramahamsa lived and taught in Kolkata. This divinely inspired being lived with his wife in a modest home. There, in his Temple Garden, the great mystic taught to all that came to visit him.

Featured image for “Can You Demystify the Ineffable?”

Can You Demystify the Ineffable?

June 16, 2019

The answer to that question is a resounding Yes… and No! In my work as a teacher, I am always attempting to explain the indescribable, ethereal and always awesome realms of spiritual revelation and awakening. I want to demystify these holy realms by describing them in terms that are satisfying to our rationally trained intellects.

Featured image for “Open Receptivity and Spontaneous Creation”

Open Receptivity and Spontaneous Creation

June 2, 2019

What makes paradigm shifting so challenging is that a new paradigm cannot be built from inside the existing paradigm – and we all live inside the existing paradigm. We have experiences beyond the current paradigm, but we don’t live there because it’s not established enough to live in yet.

Featured image for “How to Tolerate the Weirdness of Reality with Timothy Morton”

How to Tolerate the Weirdness of Reality with Timothy Morton

June 1, 2019

This audio clip features Dr. Timothy Morton of Rice University discussing the strange way in which humanity’s efforts to solve our problems has actually created problems much larger than we could have ever imagined. We

Featured image for “Turiya – The Fourth State of Consciousness”

Turiya – The Fourth State of Consciousness

May 11, 2019

This short clip was taken from a four session class with Jeff Carreira, called ‘The Miracle of Self-Realization: An Introduction to the Spiritual Teachings of Ramana Maharshi’, exploring the spiritual teachings of one of the

Featured image for “The Magical Space of Rediscovering Your True Self”

The Magical Space of Rediscovering Your True Self

May 10, 2019

Once during a two-month-long meditation retreat, I was sitting and deeply embracing an impossible combination of opposites. I was focused, concentrated and alert on one hand, and at the very same time, relaxed, at ease,

Featured image for “Spiritual Freedom Is Closer Than You Can Imagine”

Spiritual Freedom Is Closer Than You Can Imagine

May 3, 2019

One way to describe spiritual awakening is as the recognition that “this is it.” The experience that you are having right now is already awake and there is no other experience to get. The challenge

Featured image for “Spiritual Liberation: the Foundation of Spiritual Life”

Spiritual Liberation: the Foundation of Spiritual Life

April 26, 2019

My work is aimed at the liberation of the human spirit. That means liberating the energy and intelligence that animates your heart, mind, body and soul so that it can manifest its full potential in

Featured image for “What to do if you fall asleep in Meditation”

What to do if you fall asleep in Meditation

April 19, 2019

Today I’m writing about a topic that is a challenge for many meditators. It’s the question of what do we do about sleep in meditation. Any of us who meditate have experienced meditations where we

Featured image for “Surrender, Kundalini and Inner Spiritual Guidance”

Surrender, Kundalini and Inner Spiritual Guidance

April 11, 2019

Spiritual paths, both traditional and alternative, in one way or another, always revolve around the call for surrender. Surrender means giving up, letting go, ceasing to resist. The moment of surrender is the moment of

Featured image for “Paradigm Shifting”

Paradigm Shifting

April 10, 2019

Often people enter my work through my meditation classes and retreats. As their practice opens up into experiences of spiritual insight and revelation they begin to question their previous beliefs and assumptions about what is

Featured image for “Beyond the Current Paradigm”

Beyond the Current Paradigm

March 23, 2019

In this audio clip recorded during a public seminar, Jeff Carreira discusses the ideas and work of Dr. Jeffrey Kripal of Rice University. During these 10 minutes you will learn about how the current paradigm

Featured image for “The Mysterious Power of Silence, Stillness and Rest”

The Mysterious Power of Silence, Stillness and Rest

February 5, 2019

I went into my recent retreat in Sri Lanka with incredibly high expectations for myself and for the group of ten people that would be joining me on this adventure. It felt like everything was

Featured image for “Let the Power of Faith Unleash Your Meditation”

Let the Power of Faith Unleash Your Meditation

January 31, 2019

After spending 7 full days, morning until night on a silent retreat I was disappointed that I hadn’t had any major breakthrough experiences. Sure, I’d had some insights and revelations and some wonderfully peaceful meditations,

Featured image for “Spiritual Life is a Surrendered Life (23mins)”

Spiritual Life is a Surrendered Life (23mins)

January 13, 2019

This teaching reveals the depths of consciousness that are your always already awakened state and explains why surrender to that and that alone is the essence of a true spiritual life.

Featured image for “Divine Union – Losing Yourself to find your Self”

Divine Union – Losing Yourself to find your Self

December 28, 2018

The way I see it, spiritual awakening means having experienced the mysterious truth of who we are deeply enough to lose confidence in our common conception of self, and I see enlightenment as the measure

Featured image for “Meditation as a Path to Wholeness: The Birth of a Higher Self (32mins)”

Meditation as a Path to Wholeness: The Birth of a Higher Self (32mins)

December 26, 2018

In this recording you will discover that the goal of true meditation is to radically transform our sense of self so that we can be reborn as a higher version of ourselves.

Featured image for “Awakening and Enlightenment: What’s the difference?”

Awakening and Enlightenment: What’s the difference?

December 23, 2018

When we talk about the spiritual path we use the words awakening and enlightenment as metaphors to explain profound shifts in our experience. In this essay I’ll give you one way to understand the difference.

Featured image for “Available to the Subtle Stirrings of Spirit (30mins)”

Available to the Subtle Stirrings of Spirit (30mins)

November 30, 2018

This teaching introduces what I see as the two step process of the path to awakening. I sometimes refer to these two aspects of the path as first and second surrender, and sometimes as spiritual freedom and spiritual illumination.

Featured image for “Advice to Experienced Meditators (31mins)”

Advice to Experienced Meditators (31mins)

November 15, 2018

In this teaching I speak about the inescapable reality that we can never let go more deeply than we are prepared to let go in life. If we truly want to experience the miracle of awakening we have to be available to have our life change. If we are unwilling to allow our life to change there is no way that we will be able to truly let go in meditation.

Featured image for “How Paradigms Work (25mins)”

How Paradigms Work (25mins)

October 18, 2018

In this post I want to share an audio clip that was taken from a lecture I gave in a philosophy program I used to offer called The Breakthrough Intensive. In the Breakthrough Intensive we

Featured image for “The Transformative Power of Contentment (37mins)”

The Transformative Power of Contentment (37mins)

October 10, 2018

This teaching and meditation reveal the profound combination of gracious acceptance and clear intention that we must be embraced before deep spiritual revelation can dawn on us.

Featured image for “Awakening, Non-Duality and The Practice of No Problem (58mins)”

Awakening, Non-Duality and The Practice of No Problem (58mins)

September 15, 2018

Non-Duality is a state of consciousness that is revered in many Eastern and Western esoteric traditions. It is the direct recognition that beneath the surface of the apparent reality of a universe made up of

Featured image for “The Mythology We Live In”

The Mythology We Live In

September 15, 2018

“Nothing is more practical than a good theory.” — Ludwig Boltzman, physicist and pioneer of thermodynamics. When we look at ancient cultures it’s easy for us to recognize the mythical nature of the stories they

Featured image for “The Secret of Manifesting Abundance in 12 Minutes”

The Secret of Manifesting Abundance in 12 Minutes

July 5, 2018

This 12 minute audio clip was edited from a workshop called Manifesting Abundance given by Jeff Carreira and Susan Kullman on June 25, 2018 at the Aligned Center in Irvington, NY. In this short clip

Featured image for “UnWorlding and ReWorlding”

UnWorlding and ReWorlding

May 24, 2018

The language of paradigm shifting has gained popularity in certain circles and unfortunately, as with anything else, when we become overly familiar with something it starts to lose meaning.

Featured image for “Perpetual Availability and Intense Spiritual Practice”

Perpetual Availability and Intense Spiritual Practice

May 17, 2018

We are self aware. We don’t just experience the world, we experience ourselves experiencing it. Spiritual liberation is often spoken about as the attainment of Self-Awareness, but I think it is better understood in terms of the loss of self-awareness.

Featured image for “Spiritual Liberation, Flow States and the Birth of a Higher Way of Being”

Spiritual Liberation, Flow States and the Birth of a Higher Way of Being

May 10, 2018

We are self aware. We don’t just experience the world, we experience ourselves experiencing it. Spiritual liberation is often spoken about as the attainment of Self-Awareness, but I think it is better understood in terms of the loss of self-awareness.

Featured image for “Entering the Mysteries of the Universe”

Entering the Mysteries of the Universe

April 27, 2018

My work is dedicated to facilitating a shift in paradigm. The first aspect of what I do involves liberating our consciousness from the constraints of the current paradigm so our imagination is free to envision dramatically new ways of being.

Featured image for “The Miracle of Emergence (and the Troubles with We-Space)”

The Miracle of Emergence (and the Troubles with We-Space)

April 15, 2018

Shortly after devoting my life to spiritual pursuit in 1992 I embarked on a quest for collective awakening – or what we called at the time inter-subjective enlightenment. I was working with a group of incredibly dedicated spiritual practitioners in the context of a residential community in which we did enormous amounts of practice and exploration.

Featured image for “Transcending Materialism”

Transcending Materialism

April 9, 2018

In this essay we explore what it means to transcend one of our most foundational assumptions about reality. You see, even those of us who’ve had spiritual experiences that convince us that the essence of our being is spirit and not matter, still often default to culturally conditioned materialistic assumptions about life.

Featured image for “Finding the Self You Cannot See”

Finding the Self You Cannot See

April 2, 2018

My longer retreats combine meditation practice and philosophical inquiry to liberate us from the perceptual constraints of the current paradigm and create the space for novel possibilities to emerge between us.

Featured image for “Reality Without Limits”

Reality Without Limits

March 21, 2018

In my opinion what truly limits us and keeps us from realizing our highest potentials is often not a lack of will, strength, intelligence or desire. What truly binds us is most often a lack

Featured image for “From Aspirational Intention to Instantaneous Fulfillment”

From Aspirational Intention to Instantaneous Fulfillment

January 7, 2018

New Year’s Day is known for the resolutions we make for the year to come. We use the date of January 1 to consider our lives, to celebrate our successes and achievements, and reflect on

Featured image for “The Miracle of Meditation”

The Miracle of Meditation

December 23, 2017

My first book was called The Miracle of Meditation and that title perfectly describes exactly what I feel unendingly inspired to share with people. My own practice of meditation has blessed me with the experience

Featured image for “Looking to 2018 – The Mystery Beyond Time and Space”

Looking to 2018 – The Mystery Beyond Time and Space

December 14, 2017

Today I want to tell you about some exciting plans I have for 2018. A new emphasis is emerging in my work, which is enhancing the way I teach, and I want to share that

Featured image for “William James and the Introduction of Buddhism into America”

William James and the Introduction of Buddhism into America

December 12, 2017

This teaching introduces what I see as the two step process of the path to awakening. I sometimes refer to these two aspects of the path as first and second surrender, and sometimes as spiritual freedom and spiritual illumination.

Featured image for “Spiritual Freedom and Illumination (60mins)”

Spiritual Freedom and Illumination (60mins)

December 11, 2017

In this practice session you will explore how spiritual freedom is won through The Practice of No Problem so that the gifts of illumination can enlighten your heart and mind.

Featured image for “Embody Your Meditation (40mins)”

Embody Your Meditation (40mins)

December 11, 2017

Meditation is a practice that occurs in your whole body. I think you will be amazed at how this body-centered approach to meditation will supercharge your practice.

Featured image for “Who’s Aware of Awareness (42mins)”

Who’s Aware of Awareness (42mins)

December 11, 2017

Embark on a mind bending inquiry into how it is that we are able to turn our attention in on itself and who it is that does that. In this mystical twist of awareness we discover the mystery of who we really are.

Featured image for “The Awakening of Paradigm Shifting”

The Awakening of Paradigm Shifting

November 30, 2017

The practice of meditation teaches us how to step out of identification with thought and feeling until we discover the free-floating source of awareness that we truly are. Once we begin to master the art

Featured image for “What is Spirituality?”

What is Spirituality?

November 10, 2017

Those of us seeking to live lives of deeper meaning, inner peace and freedom have become comfortable with the world spiritual. Before we assume that we all know what we are all talking about when

Featured image for “Meditation and Unbroken Trust: A Brief Introduction to the Practice of No Problem (31mins)”

Meditation and Unbroken Trust: A Brief Introduction to the Practice of No Problem (31mins)

October 14, 2017

This audio course includes three short teachings explaining how to meditate. The Experience of Unbroken Trust (11mins) Download How to Be Free (Even when you don’t feel free.) (15mins) Download The Journey of Spiritual Illumination

Featured image for “The Only Consciousness There Is”

The Only Consciousness There Is

October 11, 2017

I entered onto the spiritual path in earnest at a time when the profound esoteric wisdom of the East was being pursued earnestly in many circles. Some of us decided to pursue awakening and enlightenment

Featured image for “Awakening the Intelligence of the Body: An Interview with Jody Mountain”

Awakening the Intelligence of the Body: An Interview with Jody Mountain

October 4, 2017

Since 1989, Jody Mountain has been studying, practicing and teaching the ancient art of Lomi Lomi Nui/Kahuna Bodywork and it’s foundations in Ancient Hawaiian Wisdom. In this interview you will learn how this ancient spiritual

Featured image for “A New Way of Being in the World: An Interview with Jody Mountain”

A New Way of Being in the World: An Interview with Jody Mountain

October 3, 2017

In this conversation Jeff Carreira speaks with with Jody Mountain. Jody is a master of the ancient art of Lomi Lomi Nui/Kahuna Bodywork and teacher of the Ancient Hawaiian Wisdom from which it comes. She

Featured image for “Small Arcs of Larger Circles: An Interview with Nora Bateson”

Small Arcs of Larger Circles: An Interview with Nora Bateson

September 30, 2017

A couple of months ago I met with my friend Nora Bateson while she was speaking in New York City. Our time together included sitting down to record an interview together about her new book

The Evolution of Evolution

September 26, 2017

In 1859 Charles Darwin rocked the scientific and intellectual world with the publication of The Origin of Species (or more completely, The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured

Featured image for “You Don’t Need a Spiritual Experience to Wake Up”

You Don’t Need a Spiritual Experience to Wake Up

August 8, 2017

How many people are chasing after spiritual experiences? How many meditators are sitting hour after hour hoping to have their minds’ blown? How many people go to see gurus and teachers in the hopes of

Featured image for “How the Self Evolves”

How the Self Evolves

July 25, 2017

The core of what I teach is the conviction that the shift in paradigm that so many of us recognize is needed, requires a transformation in the human sense of self. The practice of wormhole

Featured image for “Being an Artist of Possibility”

Being an Artist of Possibility

July 18, 2017

I’ve devoted my life single pointedly to spiritual awakening for twenty five years. Twenty of those years were spent living in a focused and intense practice community. And over the last ten years I have

Featured image for “The Art of Wormhole Inquiry (33mins)”

The Art of Wormhole Inquiry (33mins)

June 14, 2017

A wormhole inquiry is a philosophical hack designed to liberate us from some of our most foundational assumptions about reality. There are beliefs that we hold so deeply in our unconscious mind that questioning them

Featured image for “From Non-Conceptual Awareness to the Freedom of Spontaneous Being”

From Non-Conceptual Awareness to the Freedom of Spontaneous Being

June 13, 2017

I just got back from a week-long retreat working again with Jody Mountain to deepen my grasp of the practice and principles of the Hawaiian massage tradition of Ancient Lomi Lomi. Looking back on the

Featured image for “How Consciousness Became Identified with Being You: A Wormhole Inquiry”

How Consciousness Became Identified with Being You: A Wormhole Inquiry

June 6, 2017

Now let’s take what we have been discussing so far and put it all this together into a model of identification that will help us visualize what spiritual awakening means in relationship to the possibility

Catching Up to Quantum Physics: A Wormhole Inquiry

May 30, 2017

We live in an extremely materialistic age and we are all much more materialistic than we might imagine. And when I say materialistic I don’t mean in the sense that we like to buy nice

Beyond Our Materialistic Assumptions: A Wormhole Inquiry

May 16, 2017

My work is rooted in the conviction that reality can change. And I don’t just mean that aspects of reality can change. We all already know that. I mean that reality itself can change. This

Featured image for “The Sun Is Always Shining: A New Model for Awakening…”

The Sun Is Always Shining: A New Model for Awakening…

April 11, 2017

A version of this article was first published on the Opening to the Infinite Blog Those of us who sincerely seek for spiritual liberation and awakening are most likely hoping to have a spiritual experience

Awakening Beyond Time: An Essay About the Magic of Meditation

March 28, 2017

Do you believe in magic? I do. There is a magic to the practice of meditation that many practitioners never discover because we only find it when we eliminate time from the equation. My teaching

Ralph Waldo Emerson and The Origins of the Spiritual but Not Religious

March 14, 2017

It is not uncommon today for people to describe themselves as spiritual but not religious. This trend is a direct result of the secularization process that began during the Western Enlightenment, During the span of

Transitional Beings and the Space of Betweenness

March 7, 2017

Our perception is filtered by the current paradigm so we don’t see reality as it is, we see reality as the paradigm we live inside of allows us to see it. Our perceptions are filtered,

The Delicate Art of Doing Absolutely Nothing

February 28, 2017

The first time I was engulfed by the realization of Radical Inclusivity was during a sixty-day meditation retreat under the guidance of my spiritual teacher. As I sat from morning until evening following the simple

Featured image for “Life Without Truth: A Wormhole Inquiry”

Life Without Truth: A Wormhole Inquiry

February 21, 2017

What I call wormhole inquiries are a sort of philosophical hack that free us from strict adherence to our current belief system and propel us into the open-ended possibility field of the unknown. I see this as

Featured image for “Does Reality Exist Before You Perceive It? A Wormhole Inquiry”

Does Reality Exist Before You Perceive It? A Wormhole Inquiry

February 14, 2017

A paradigm is a set of assumptions that shape how we experience reality. We live inside these assumptions and experience reality only in the way they allow. One of the most foundational assumptions that we

Featured image for “Transcending Existential Limitation: A Wormhole Inquiry”

Transcending Existential Limitation: A Wormhole Inquiry

February 7, 2017

As a meditation practitioner and teacher I have experienced myself and witnessed others experience the miracle of radical liberation countless times. There are many forms of meditation designed for a variety of purposes. The form

Featured image for “How to Practice Having No Problem: Instructions of Meditation”

How to Practice Having No Problem: Instructions of Meditation

January 31, 2017

The Practice of No Problem is a meditation technique based on everything I have learned about how we can replace the habit of having a problem with the habit of having no problem. Imagine a

The Reality of Reality: A Wormhole Inquiry

January 24, 2017

It requires a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis of the obvious. – Alfred North Whitehead In the current paradigm there is a strong belief that there is only one reality. We hold as

Not the Dancer but the Dance You Are: A Wormhole Inquiry

January 17, 2017

In the current paradigm we are compelled by things. We look at things, work with things, accumulate things, and love things. Things are material, i.e. they matter. Things are the stuff of life. We have

Thinking the Thoughts of the Universe: A Wormhole Inquiry

January 10, 2017

In the current paradigm of being human we are trained to think of ourselves as independent achievers. That means we imagine that we are isolated individual beings who run around with brains processing information that

Living in a Storybook Universe

January 3, 2017

Most of us reading this essay will be reading it from inside the paradigm of the modern Western world. That paradigm has often been seen as rooted in scientific materialism and sometimes been called the

Even Post-Election Philosophy is Not a Luxury

December 27, 2016

It is the nature of elections that the results always leave some of us deeply disappointment. The most recent US election and the campaign that led up to it has left many feeling frustrated, angry

More than Human: A Wormhole Inquiry

December 20, 2016

We live in a conceptual world. That means that we perceive concepts. For example, I am sitting in a coffee shop writing. As I look around I see tables and chairs, coffee cups and croissants,

The Myth of the Individual Achiever: A Wormhole Inquiry

December 13, 2016

The paradigm we’re embedded in could be called the Individual Achiever Paradigm. In it we feel like a separate individual that generates achievements by setting goals, creating plans, and realizing them through willful acts. We

Featured image for “What if No One Is Having the Experience You Think You’re Having?”

What if No One Is Having the Experience You Think You’re Having?

December 6, 2016

One of the most foundational assumptions of the paradigm that currently shapes our experience is the assumption of the division between subject and object. In modern western philosophy this split between perceiver and perceived was

Featured image for “The Way of the Wormhole: On the Art of Inquiry”

The Way of the Wormhole: On the Art of Inquiry

November 29, 2016

I love philosophy because I love how asking the right question can flip the world upside down. Many years ago I dedicated myself to the pursuit of spiritual awakening. I left the life I had

Featured image for “Creating Together Spontaneously From Source”

Creating Together Spontaneously From Source

November 22, 2016

What makes paradigm shifting so challenging for us is that a new paradigm cannot be built from inside the existing paradigm – and we all live inside the existing paradigm. We have experiences beyond the

Featured image for “The Practice of No Problem IS NOT Spiritual Bypassing”

The Practice of No Problem IS NOT Spiritual Bypassing

November 15, 2016

When I teach meditation I ask people to sit still and not make a problem out of whatever their experience happens to be. And I explain that what we experience in meditation doesn’t matter because

Featured image for “Meditation Without Practice”

Meditation Without Practice

November 8, 2016

Commonly we refer to meditation as a practice. I think this is a bad idea. Practice is something you do now so that you will be able to perform better in the future when it

Featured image for “From Individual Achievement to Circumstantial Emergence”

From Individual Achievement to Circumstantial Emergence

October 27, 2016

We are all born into a preexisting paradigm. A paradigm that consists of all of the unconscious assumptions we hold that tell us what is real and how reality works. One of the most foundational of

Featured image for “New Paradigm Circles of Emergence”

New Paradigm Circles of Emergence

September 7, 2016

The first New Paradigm Circle of Emergence that inspired me was the circle of American Transcendentalists that gathered in the 1840’s and 50’s in and around Concord, Massachusetts. I have long been inspired by the

Featured image for “Meta-Being: The Future of Being Human ”

Meta-Being: The Future of Being Human 

June 14, 2016

My work is focused on creating the conditions for collective awakening into what could be called Meta-Being. In this essay I will explain what I mean by that as specifically as I can. First of

The Evolution of Awareness

June 14, 2016

If we want to consciously shift into a new paradigm there are two human capacities we need to pay particular attention to. The first is awareness. The second is our capacity to identify. Awareness is

Featured image for “Authoring a Paradigm Shift”

Authoring a Paradigm Shift

June 9, 2016

We live inside of a paradigm based on an assumption of separation and division. We have been trained to believe that we live in reality and we have been taught that the reality we live in is

Featured image for “Three Stage Process of Evolving Selfhood”

Three Stage Process of Evolving Selfhood

June 6, 2016

I believe that the evolution of the self occurs through successive transformative leaps and that this is the whole purpose of spiritual life. I like to refer to this now as the ‘Three Stage Process

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Awakening in the Age of the Meta-Sangha

June 3, 2016

In the late 1980’s when I started seeking in earnest you could work with a number of different spiritual teachers. The Indian sage J Krishnamurti and the Tibetan master Trungpa Rinpoche had already died, but

Freedom of Imagination

June 1, 2016

In 1817 the English poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge described “the willing suspension of disbelief” as an act of “poetic faith” through which a reader accepts fanciful aspects of a fictional work. Without this willingness the

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Goethe’s Method of Doing Science

May 14, 2016

Although Johann Wolfgang von Goethe is best know as a towering literary figure he was also a scientific genius. His method of doing science was in some ways diametrically opposed to the methods of many of

Featured image for “Intuition and Understanding: two ways of knowing”

Intuition and Understanding: two ways of knowing

March 19, 2016

In 1825 Samuel Taylor Coleridge published “Aids to Reflection” and put forth his answer to the question of whether we are stuff that got smart, or smarts that grew stuff, by proposing that there are actually two sources

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Radical Immediacy and Meditation Magic

November 27, 2015

Do you believe in meditation magic? I do. There is a magic to the practice of meditation that many practitioners never discover. We only find it when we eliminate time from the equation. You can

Featured image for “Surrender, Kundalini and Inner Spiritual Guidance”

Surrender, Kundalini and Inner Spiritual Guidance

August 8, 2015

Spiritual paths, both traditional and alternative, in one way or another, always revolve around the call for surrender. Surrender means giving up, letting go, ceasing to resist. The moment of surrender is the moment of

Featured image for “Spiritual Growth: Love, Healing and The Journey Home”

Spiritual Growth: Love, Healing and The Journey Home

August 2, 2015

I believe that spiritual growth under the right conditions is as natural as breathing…and the conditions of our world are the perfect conditions for spiritual growth. The person you are right now, with all of

Featured image for “Tantra, Non-Duality and the Practice of No Problem”

Tantra, Non-Duality and the Practice of No Problem

July 15, 2015

In the traditions of the East a spiritual path is considered Tantric when its goal is to bring about the direct recognition of the immediate availability of our boundless nature. Tantra and Tantric paths do

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The Secret of Perpetual Spiritual Awakening

March 24, 2015

For the past few years I have been exploring and teaching about a distinction that I speak about as the first and second surrender of spiritual awakening. The first surrender is the utterly passive acceptance

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A Deceptively Simple Approach to Meditation

February 21, 2014

The meditation practice that I am describing here is the simplest thing you could possibly do. In fact it is so simple that you are already doing it right now without realizing it. It is

Romanticism and the Human Soul

October 29, 2013

Most of us know Samuel Taylor Coleridge as the English Romantic poet and author of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. We may not be aware that he was also an important English theologian who

William James, The Stream of Consciousness and Freewill

March 21, 2013

William Jameswas trained as a medical doctor at Harvard University and became generally recognized as the first psychologist in America and his first and arguably most significant written work was “The Principles of Psychology” published

Art, Culture and Alfred North Whitehead

November 23, 2012

The art scene in New York in the fifties was a living hotbed for a new way of thinking and new conceptions about reality. Avant-garde painters, writers, musicians and more, were infused with a new

The Doorway to Mystical Experience

July 5, 2012

The Mystic knows that the key to entering into mystical realms of experience is the ability to let go of the familiar. Our ordinary and familiar perception of reality is exactly what we must learn

The Heart of the Mystic

June 29, 2012

A mystic is one who sees the deeper reality that lies hidden beneath our ordinary experience of reality. The mystic looks deeply into the nature of things by letting go of conventional wisdom and allowing

The Essence of Being First

July 7, 2011

What is the quality of being first? This was a question that Charles Sanders Peirce thought deeply about because he felt that the quality of being first, or ‘firstness’ as he called it, was an

A Field of Pure Knowing

June 2, 2011

What is the human soul? Is it some phantom-like part of us or is it a living dimension of the universe from which all life flows? The later is what Samuel Taylor Coleridge taught and

Vicious Intellectualism and the Reality of the Unknown

April 21, 2011

There are things that we know. And there are things that we know that we don’t know. And there are things that we don’t know that we don’t know. These last are the “unknown unknowns”

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Movie Review: An Ecology of Mind

November 18, 2010

I recently had the pleasure to attend a special pre-screening of a new film entitled An Ecology of Mind. The film is an hour-long documentary about the anthropologist and philosopher Gregory Bateson that was created by

A Philosophy of Pure Experience

September 9, 2010

Here is my second post exploring some of the ideas that are informing me as I prepare for my presentaion at the Science and Nonduality Conference. William James over the course of his life developed